The 3rd and final Series of the Pacific Women In Maritime Virtual Toktok highlighted the personal journey of Vai; reiterating the Humanitarian Crisis faced by the Seafarers during this global pandemic.
The Series enabled the PacWIMA Executive Committee to provide update to all its 10 StateWIMAs; including a positive conversation on the PacWIMA Website, made possible with the collaborations between PacWIMA, SPC and IMO.
Thank you to the Presidents and members of Cook Islands WIMA, Fiji WIMA, Kiribati WIMA, Nauru WIMA, PNG WIMA, Samoa WIMA, Solomon Islands WIMA, Tonga WIMA, Tuvalu WIMA, Vanuatu WIMA for the work that you do on the ground and sacrificing and mobilizing for events such as the Virtual Tok Tok Series to give light to SDG5.
PacWIMA would like to thank Madam Moderator and President of PNG WIMA Ms. Patricia A. Willie for the fantastic facilitation and SPC’s Maritime Training Advisor Ms. Ore Toua, the IMO Technical Cooperation Officer Ms. Mavis Joseph and IMO’s Ms. Helen Buni for the continuous support and guidance as we collectively advocate for our pacific women in maritime