Women in Maritime: Resilience and Leadership amidst a global pandemic
Unchartered Waters
Ms Nanise Kabakoro
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#D4WIM #PACWIMA # WomenInMaritime #IMO #SPC #OurDayYourDayD4WIM
Day for Women In Maritime
This year, a one-week online campaign commenced on the 18 May, celebrating the Day for Women In Maritime with the theme “Women in Maritime: Resilience and Leadership amidst a global pandemic”. The themes for IWD 2021 (Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world) and WMD 2021 (Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future) were used as a basis to consider the D4WIM theme for 2021.
We are grateful for the collaboration and support of Pacific-Community-SPC, International Maritime Organization – IMO, as well as leading maritime institutions such as IMO-International Maritime Law Institute, World Maritime University – headquarters together with the IMO Regional Women In Maritime networks – Arab Women in Maritime Association (AWIMA), Women in the Maritime Sector in East and Southern Africa (WOMESA), Red de Mujeres de Autoridades Marítimas de Latinoamérica (Red MAMLa), Women in Maritime Association, Asia (WIMA-Asia), Women in Maritime Association, Caribbean (WIMAC) and Women in Maritime of West and Central Africa – WIMoWCA in commemorating 18 May as the #D4WIM.
We appreciate you walking this journey with us to advocate for #SDG5 in our maritime sector as we showcase “Women in Maritime: Resilience and Leadership amidst a global pandemic”.
Ms. Dinah Inape-Omenefa
#PacWIMA #WomenInMaritime #IMO #SPC #OurDayYourDayD4WIM